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Meet Mary

Life Coach & Spiritual Guide

Even at a young age I was known as a rebel. My parents would say “without a cause” due to my stubborn nature and lack of regard for what others thought. I spoke the truth of my heart, not the regurgitated thoughts of those that came before me, and that often caused heated debates in our family. They had never seen such relentless obstinance but it was my will and determination that guided me to push through the societal norms and led me to where I am today; fulfilling my purpose and living the life of a rebel with a cause.  


I spent my 20’s on the rack, being torn between higher education pursuits, a career in healthcare administration, raising babies and trying to figure out who I was and why I couldn’t find my happiness. By the time I hit 35 I was emotionally and physically exhausted. Even though I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown I was afraid to quit my corporate job because I was programmed to believe success was achieved with a stable income and healthcare benefits. It took a “dark night of the soul” experience and an eye opening session with a gifted reiki master to shift my vision and release me of the fear of the unknown. In 2012, much to the protest of everyone I knew, I quit my corporate job to open a massage practice, Restful Waters. 


Over the past 12 years I've studied many alternative modalities including Reiki, the Akashic Records, and Shamanic Breathwork. When I completed the Shamanic Initiation Process and was ordained as a Shamanic Minister with Venus Rising Association for Transformation in 2020 my practice shifted completely from healing the physical body to healing the whole human experience; emotional, spiritual and physical. 


Dare To Express

In 2022 I had the amazing opportunity to co-create an amazing work of heart with 11 other brave women who told the story of their darkest time, how they came out of it and who they are on the other side. 


Dare to Express is a collection of bold and vulnerable stories by brave women who have dared to share a personal and pivotal part of their life with you. It is our shared intention that these words land as resonant moments of wisdom and refreshing bits of truth, from our hearts to yours. We believe that if you desire to live a life of personal power and freedom, we must first have the courage to shed light on our darkest life moments.

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