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Dare To Express

I had the amazing opportunity to co-create an amazing work of heart with 11 other brave women who told the story of their darkest time, how they came out of it and who they are on the other side. 


Dare to Express is a collection of bold and vulnerable stories by brave women who have dared to share a personal and pivotal part of their life with you. It is our shared intention that these words land as resonant moments of wisdom and refreshing bits of truth, from our hearts to yours. We believe that if you desire to live a life of personal power and freedom, we must first have the courage to shed light on our darkest life moments.


Dare To Free Yourself

When asked how I felt after participating in this project I said I felt free. My answer surprised me a little, but then I realized why I said I felt free.


I just spilled my guts about my biggest, darkest secret all over the pages of this book for the whole world to read.


I let go of 10 years worth of guilt and anger I had been harboring within me for fear of shame and judgement.


Why now? Because it’s time to shift our mindset. It’s time to speak our truth and know that we are not alone. It’s time to empower ourselves through our experiences and recognize that our personal history is what weaves the fabric of our lives.


In order to shine our brightest we have to acknowledge the shadow, embrace it, and love the shit out of it.


"Mary shares her raw feelings with such genuine grace that she had me in tears multiple times! So much more is available to us when we stop suppressing ourselves and live freely. Sharing stories like these takes a lot of strength! Mary's words spoke to me as I know many women that relate to her story. The flow is magical and I could not put this book down, it's definitely a page turner!" -L.S.


"This collection of stories by women is true to its title...people daring to express their authentic experiences, admit mistakes, and find the meaning in the madness and beauty of their lives. Mary Lancaster's "Mastering Love" chapter, in her honesty and vulnerability as she examines a "failed" marriage (more of a story of a successful divorce), reminds us of how destructive it can be to ourselves and those we love when we, literally, make ourselves sick trying to live a life we thought we were supposed to live. If you suspect you might be holding yourself back out of fear, or you could use some inspiration to learn what makes you tick--and then be bold and brave enough to pursue it--these stories are for you." -A.B.

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